
“Enlightened Statesmen will Not Always be at the Helm”: Five Thoughts

In Federalist No. 10 James Madison warned that “Enlightened statesmen will not always be at the helm.” This leadership status has been true throughout much of our history. Sadly, it will be true in our future as well since our nation did not elect an enlightened statesman yesterday. Instead, as a nation, we chose a […]

“Enlightened Statesmen will Not Always be at the Helm”: Five Thoughts Read More »

1976 and 2008 Election Years: A Silver Lining for Conservatives?

As I write this I’m distressed to say it looks like there is no path to victory for John McCain. But since I prefer to see the glass as half full, I’m searching for something positive to write about tonight’s election. Is there anything positive to consider right now? After careful thought I think so.

1976 and 2008 Election Years: A Silver Lining for Conservatives? Read More »

Would Obama Like Obama-Style Redistribution of Wealth?

Here’s an insightful political cartoon by Rick McKee that a Ponderstorm reader sent me. It does a great job of putting Barack Obama’s socialistic income redistribution notion into perspective. As the rich candidate, would Barack Obama want his “spread the wealth around” scheme applied to his campaign contributions? What do you think? Should the government

Would Obama Like Obama-Style Redistribution of Wealth? Read More »