
Polls, Polls and More Polls, But Can We Trust Them?

There is such an incredible level of bias in most mainstream news media coverage in favor of Barack Obama that even the Clintons complained about not getting a fair shake during the Democratic Primary. You know it must be way out of balance when the smooth-talking Bill Clinton, the darling of the 1990s, is thrown […]

Polls, Polls and More Polls, But Can We Trust Them? Read More »

Why William Ayers & Other Radical Associations Matter

Brian Perry wrote a well-reasoned article for today’s Madison County Journal entitled “Enemies Foreign and Domestic.” This editorial highlights his visit to the International Spy Museum in Washington, DC and provides a historical review of domestic and foreign terrorist attacks on the United States. For the sake of a quick review, Perry noted domestic terrorist

Why William Ayers & Other Radical Associations Matter Read More »

Obama vs. McCain: Howard Stern Shows that Many Ignorantly Support Obama

I’m not a fan of radio shock jock Howard Stern; however, the audio clip below contains a segment from his show that is very telling about some American voters. It demonstrates, in part, how a radical liberal like Barack Obama could end up in the White House based largely on personality and cosmetic factors instead

Obama vs. McCain: Howard Stern Shows that Many Ignorantly Support Obama Read More »

5 Reasons Why ‘Joe the Plumber’ Resonates with Americans

Last night during the 3rd Presidential debate we heard ‘Joe the Plumber’ (AKA Joe Wurzelbacher of Holland, OH) mentioned 26 times. It seems that his questions of Senator Obama’s tax policy struck a chord with many middle class Americans, especially once Obama stated that he wanted to “spread the wealth around” through tax policy. Who

5 Reasons Why ‘Joe the Plumber’ Resonates with Americans Read More »